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Thursday, Dec 1, 2022How to Talk to Your Child About Their First PeriodStruggling to figure out how to talk to your daughter or child about periods? Not sure where to start? We’ve got you.
Friday, Nov 25, 2022How to Make A First Period KitIs your child expecting their first period soon? Help them bleed confidence by giving them a first period kit! Everything they need to conquer their period, all in one convenient place.
Friday, Nov 18, 2022Your Official Guide to the Best Teen Period Underwear: Kt by KnixA handy introduction to all the different styles of underwear that Kt by Knix offers.
Friday, Nov 18, 2022What To Do When Your Child Has Their First Period at 11Is your daughter or child approaching puberty and about to get their period? Is getting a period at 11 normal? We’re here to answer some of your questions about early puberty.
Friday, Nov 18, 2022Can Exercise Cause Irregular Periods?Missed periods, also called amenorrhea, is a common side effect for many elite athletes who menstruate. But why exactly does it happen? Here’s an explanation.
Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022Their New Favorite Activewear Has Arrived: Introducing Period-Proof Leggings and ShortsKt’s new period-proof active leggings and biker shorts will keep you leak-free at practice, on game day and beyond.
Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022Why Do So Many Menstruators Quit Sports Around Their First Period?The challenges of puberty can lead many girls to drop out of sports, but there are a number of good reasons to keep their head in the game.
Thursday, Nov 3, 2022Celebrate Your Child’s Menstrual Cycle With These First Period GiftsFrom jewelry to books, these first period gifts will let your child know just how special they really are.
Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022When Will My Child Get Their Period?It’s not always easy to tell but watch out for these subtle signs to determine when your daughter or child’s period might be arriving soon.
Friday, Oct 21, 2022What To Do When Your Child Gets Their First Period At Age 10Getting your period at age 10 can be scary and alarming for a child, but it’s completely normal, and nothing to get worked up about. If your child is 10 and just getting their first period, read this post to find out what to do & how to navigate this new part of their life.
Wednesday, Oct 19, 2022Brown, Black, Dark Red and More – What Causes Different Colors of Period Blood?Periods come in their own rainbow of colors, from the typical red and brown to pink, orange, and even blue. Read this helpful guide to find out what your teen's period blood colors mean and when they may want to see a doctor.
Thursday, Oct 13, 2022My Daughter Started Her Period Then Stopped. What Do I Do?Has your child’s period been somewhat strange and irregular? Has your child or daughter reported starting and stopping their period? Are you feeling worried as a parent, or simply wondering what could be causing this in your child? Let us walk you through this common period symptom and explain what it could mean.