Everything to Know About Your Teen's Medium Flow Period

Find out why your teen bleeds, the duration of their menstrual flow, and how to be prepared.

What is a menstrual flow? 

Your teen's period flow (also known as menstrual flow), is the monthly shedding of the uterine lining, most commonly referred to as getting a period.

The average menstrual cycle lasts around 28 days, but your teen doesn't bleed the entire time (PHEW!) There are a few different phases of their cycle. Everyone’s cycle is different so these may not fully align with their body, but let’s break down an average cycle:

MENSES (Day 1-5) : Period time! This is when they shed the lining of their uterus and experience vaginal bleeding. This is when they would use period products such as a pad or tampon, menstrual cup (also known as a period cup), or period underwear. If they are using birth control, this is the time when they're likely taking their placebo or "reminder pills."

Always speak with your healthcare provider about how to properly take birth control pills and to know if this option is right for your child.

FOLLICULAR PHASE (Day 6-14): Estrogen time! This causes the lining of the uterus to grow and thicken again.

OVULATION (Day 14): Egg drop time! An increase in hormones causes the ovary to release an egg

LUTEAL PHASE (Day 15-28): Egg travel time! Once an egg is released from their ovary, it travels to the uterus by way of the fallopian tubes. If the egg isn't fertilized (i.e. pregnancy doesn’t occur) we begin the cycle alll over again and are back at the menses phase.

The amount, length and frequency of a cycle can be irregular for the first few years of getting a period. This is super common. As your child gets older, their period often becomes more regular! This includes how much they actually bleed in menstrual fluid during their period.

How much blood does my teen lose in their menstrual fluid?

Menstrual fluid doesn’t just contain blood. It also contains a bunch of other stuff like mucus and uterine tissue. This makes it a little difficult to pin down exactly how much blood someone loses, but it usually averages around four tablespoons over the course of five days. 

If your child has already gotten their period, you know that they don’t bleed the same amount over the entirety of their menses cycle. Their period will typically begin with a light flow or spotting, transition into heavy menstrual bleeding, and then back down again to spotting towards the end of their period.  However, period volume varies from person to person.

Period Flow Recommendations

No matter what stage of the flow they're at, we got them covered! Here are our recommendations for period protection from beginning, middle to end! 


The first day of your period can be a little funky, but it usually starts with some spotting! Spotting is exactly what it sounds like - when they experience spots of blood but not a full flow. Depending on their cycle, day one may also include a light flow or medium bleeding. 

Our Recommendation: If you are preparing for their first period or you aren't quite sure about their flow yet and don't know if they should be wearing a pad or tampon here, no sweat! Wearing period underwear is a great way to be fully comfortable while still being prepared for anything. Super absorbent (and cute), Kt's Leakproof Undies have a built-in liner so they won’t leak through!

Be prepared: Shop period kits now to prevent unexpected leaks. 

THE MIDDLE: Day 2-3 

Typically, the middle section begins with some medium flow bleeding, and transitions into a heavy flow. If your teen does wear tampons, pads or use menstrual cups, this is where they may notice your products absorbing more fluid. If they wear period underwear, this is the time where they may wish to wear something with a higher absorbency level, such as our Super Leakproof Sleepover Short. They might also consider pairing up other period products, such as a period cup or tampon, with a pair of period underwear for added peace of mind.

They may find themselves running to the bathroom a couple times a day to change their tampon or pad. In some cases, they may need to go up or down in absorbency levels, and this can take some time to understand what works best for their body. When is it time to talk to their doc? Everyone’s different, but:

  1. If you’re worried that this stage lasts longer than usual for them or
  2. They have extremely heavy bleeding and are soaking through tampons and pads super frequently or
  3. There are blood clots (they look like jelly!) bigger than a quarter
  4. They have severe cramping or pain

In any of these cases or if anything doesn’t feel right, speak with your healthcare provider.

Our Recommendation

Wear whatever form of period protection is most comfortable for them. Whether that’s a pad, tampon or menstrual cup — go for it! Because the middle of their period can also be heavy and predictable, we’d also pair this with a pair of Sleepover Shorts. They are super absorbent, leakproof, and are great for overnight use.

 THE END: Day 4-5

They made it! The last few days of their period can be pretty smooth sailing. It’s similar to the beginning of their period (it is a cycle after all). Coming down from the heavy flow days, the end of a period can see some medium/light bleeding, and end with a bit of spotting. 

Our Recommendation

Just like the beginning of your period, we recommend going for the period undies if their period is light! If it’s still a bit on the medium side, continue using their fav form of period protection

Further reading: How to use a tampon

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