How to Make Getting Your Period at Summer Camp Less Stressful

Whether you’re off to theater camp, sports camp or just like… regular camp—you are about to embark on an amazing and very fun summer.

WOO, very exciting! However, if you’ll be at camp when your period hits, that may seem less exciting. 

But consider me your troupe leader in this department, because I’ve got you covered. Here are all my favorite tips for making your period at camp feel easy-breezy.

Pack Smart 🧳

You don’t have to get ready if you stay ready.

Clothing wise, extra underwear and darker colored shorts are fab to throw in your duffel in case of any leak-mergencies (a word I JUST made up right now). PRO TIP: super absorbent period undies can also help prevent those leaks in the first place. They look just like regular underwear, so they’re nbd.

As for your toiletry bag, stock up on the essentials: pain relievers, tampons, pads, your menstrual cup—the works. And okay, even if you don’t neeeeeed an entire box of tampons for your one-week sleepaway camp, it’s for peace of mind! Plus, it’s always good to have spares for fellow campers and new friends. 

Comfort Is Key 🧸

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Your coziest sweater, your softest band tee, the stuffie your friend leant you before you left—it’s important to also pack things that make you feel good too. Sometimes you simply need a little boost on your period, and bringing one or two of your favorite things from home is a great way to do that. 

Stay Hydrated 💧

You have that giant Stanley for a reason! Haul your emotional support water bottle to camp, and make sure to drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can help reduce bloating and pain while cramping. Plus, it’s a must when you're out and about in the sun.

Track Your Cycle 📅

Periods can be pretty unpredictable, but period tracking apps can be super helpful for guessing when they arrive—so you can avoid any surprise visits at camp. You can even throw on a pair of light period undies before the predicted date, just to be extra sure. It’s called back up protection!

Be Prepared for Swimming 🏊‍♀️

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This was always the scariest for me! But having your period on a swim day isn’t as annoying as you think it would be. 

There are a ton of great options for staying leak-free in the water, like wearing a tampon or menstrual cup. Period-proof swimwear can also be a great option for helping steer clear of leaks as you’re hopping in and out of the water. 

Whether it’s a one-piece or shorts, they work just like those absorbent undies to help protect your butt. 

Talk to Your Counselor 👯‍♀️

If you want to sit out of an activity, need extra supplies, or are just feeling emo (thank you hormones), let a trusted camp counselor or leader know. Remember: you’re not the only one with a period! They’ll totally get it, they’ve been there too.

Move Your Body 🏃‍♀️

Like I mentioned above, let a counselor know if you need to take it easy. BUT, staying active can actually help alleviate cramps! So even if you’re down bad, give the activities for the day a go. You may be surprised how much it helps.

Embrace the Buddy System 👯‍♀️

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On that note, stick with a friend who knows what’s up. They can have your back in case you need a quick supply run, a butt check, or just some moral support.

Have Fun 🌸

OKAY, DON’T ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME! It’s true, okay. You’ll be so busy having a good time that your period will go by in a flash.

Go jump in the lake, roast those marshmallows, arch that archery—and have an absolutely amazing time at camp. You’ve got this.

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